WorpDrive Benefits: Automatic WordPress Backup

From the moment you activate WorpDrive on your site, it’s protected with an automatic backup schedule.

Every day, WorpDrive will examine your website’s files and database for any changes and immediately back them up.

You don’t have to download anything, setup Amazon S3 storage space, install any extra plugins. Simply supply your site FTP details and we take care of the rest.

WorpDrive backup is completely automatic.

Automatic WordPress Recovery Too!

The true teller of any WordPress backup solution is its ability and ease of use when it comes to restoring your website.

This is where WorpDrive really shines.

To restore your WordPress site, simply select the backup version you want to restore, click to use existing or new MySQL database details, and go!

It’s again, completely automatic. You don’t need to download your zip files, delete old files, edit your wp-config.php. None of that!

WorpDrive is designed to be as easy as possible to use by everyone.

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